Department Of Women’s And Children’s Health Karolinska, The research at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health deals with both basic and clinical science in women’s and children’s health. The research takes place in ten divisions with separate scientific profiles.
The divisions vary in size and have several research groups. We are also engaged in education on both undergraduate (MD programme), specialist (paediatric nurses, midwives, physicians), and postgraduate levels.
Undergraduate education at KBH
The education at KBH is highly tied to research and clinic. All courses within the midwifery program and some of the courses in the specialist training in nursing-paediatric care are given at KBH. Further, our department is responsible for a course in the medical programme, Clinical medicine – reproduction and development, which includes clinical obstetrics, gynaecology and paediatrics with subspecialties.
PhD Education at the Department
The PhD education at the Department is extensive. Approximately 140 PhD students are continuously involved in a great number of different research projects. A group of senior researchers, as well as PhD student representatives, are on a regular basis managing admission applications.