Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform Programmes

By | December 6, 2021

Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform Programmes, South Africans have reason to be proud of their achievements over the past 18 years. Dating from the election in April 1994, in which our country chose democracy as its badge and a rainbow as its symbol, our people have set aside their previous divisions and wholeheartedly embraced one another, united in a shared vision for national progress on an increasingly competitive international stage. Remarkably, the country has managed to achieve and sustain impressive economic growth.

Programme 5: Land Reform


Initiate sustainable land reform programme in South Africa.


  • Land Reform National Office
  • Land Reform Provincial offices
  • Land Reform Grants
  • KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Board
  • Communal Land Rights Programme
  • Agricultural Land Holding Account

Strategic Objectives:

  • Promote equitable land redistribution and agricultural development by acquiring strategically located land by 2020.
  • Provide comprehensive farm development support to smallholder farmers and land reform beneficiaries for agrarian transformation by 2019.
  • Functional systems and institutional arrangements for tenure and land administration to enable agrarian reform in all provinces by 2020.

Programme 4: Restitution


Settle and finalise land restitution claims under the Restitution of Land Rights Act, (Act No. 22 of 1994).


  • Restitution National Office
  • Restitution Provincial Offices
  • Restitution Grants

Strategic Objective(s):

  • Facilitate restoration of land rights or alternative forms of equitable redress by 2020.

Programme 2: Geospatial & Cadastral Services


Provide geospatial information, cadastral surveys, deeds registration and spatial planning as well as technical services in support of sustainable land development.


  • Registration of Deeds Trading Account
  • National Geomatics Management Services
  • Spatial Planning and Land Use Management
  • Registration of Deeds Training Account
  • South African Council for Planners

Strategic Objectives:

  • Ensure an integrated and comprehensive land administration system

Programme 3: Rural Development


Initiate, facilitate, coordinate and act as a catalyst for the implementation of a Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) leading to sustainable and vibrant rural communities.


  • Rural Infrastructure Development (RID)
  • Rural Enterprise and Industry Developmenet (REID)
  • National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC)

Strategic Objectives:

  • Facilitation of infrastructure development to support rural economic transformation by 2020.
  • Facilitate the development of rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2020.
  • Increase job opportunities and ensure skills development through CRDP and land reform initiatives by 2020.

Programme 1: Administration


Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the department.


  • Ministry
  • Office of the Director-General
  • Corporate Support Services
  • Corporate Services
  • Financial Services
  • Provincial Coordination

Strategic Objectives
The following are the strategic objectives of Programme 1: Administration

  • % compliance with public sector legal prescripts by 2020.
  • Ensure 100% compliance with government regulations and legal prescripts by 2020.
  • Obtain an unqualified regularity audit opinion on financial and non-financial performance by 2020.