Department Of Public Works Mandate
Department Of Public Works Mandate, The Department of Public Works and Services is an essential partner in the achievement of government goals through the provision of high quality services, expert support and innovative leadership in.
Legistative and Mandates
The Constitution state that provincial governments are only responsible for Public Works functions, which relate to provincial functions and provincial state property. Hence, National Public Works directly undertakes functions, which relate to national functions in the Province, such as the construction amd maintenance of facilities and properties, which are of national competence. |
The Premier has assigned Provincial Public Works functions to the Department. The operations of the Department are governed by legislation governing the built environment professions, such as: |
Acts governing the engineering |
Quality Surveying |
Artchitecture professions |
The large workforce in the Department is engaged in the Government Infrastructure Operations Programme activities and therefore needs to take cognisance of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Building construction activities are also governed by the same environmental legislation. |
The White Paper on Publc Works (Public Works Towards the 21st Century, 1997) provides a framework which the Department adopted in endeavouring to stimulate economic activity through job creation and empowerment of emerging entrepreneurs with particular bias towards previously disadvantaged individuals. In addition, the Department has adopted a matrix type of organisational structure, rather that a divisional orginisational structure, in order to enable the adoption of project management techniques for the management projects. |
Like other departments, the Department is also guided by national policies aimed at transforming the public service, such as Batho Pele and the White Paper on Transformation of the Public Service. In Addition, the Department is bound to work within the prevailing regulatory framework, including: |
(Inter Alias) Public Service Act |
Public Service Regulations |
Public Finance Management Act |
Treasury Regulations |
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act |
The Department is also bound by nationally negotiated agreements regarding conditions of service for its employees. Other mandates that are related to coordination of EPWP and development of Provincial Infrastructure Plan are now added to Provincial Public Works. |
Physical Address |
43 Church Street |
Polokwane |
0700 |
Postal Address |
Private Bag X9490 |
Polokwane |
0700 |