Department Of Labour P.E

Department Of Labour P.E

Department Of Labour P.E, Port Elizabeth or The Bay  is one of the largest cities in South Africa; it is situated in the Eastern Cape Province, 770 km (478 mi) east of Cape Town. The city, often shortened to PE and nicknamed “The Friendly City” or “The Windy City”, stretches for 16 km along Algoa Bay, and is one of the major seaports in South Africa.

Labour Centres – Eastern Cape

Find the Labour Centre closest to you. Labour Centres are listed alphabetically by the Town name for this specific region.


  1. Claiming UIF Benefits
  2. Labour complaints
  3. Enquiries

Contact Details

Port Elizabeth
Operating Hours:
07:30 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.
Telephone Number(s): (041) 506 5000/1
Fax Number(s): (041) 506 5101 – 5073/4
Street Address:
1162134 Govan Mbeki Avenue
Port Elizabeth
Postal Address:
Private Bag X6045
Port Elizabeth
Email Address: [email protected]
[email protected]