Department Of Labour Online Submissions
Department Of Labour Online Submissions
Please email your practice number, name, and your details (don’t forget your email address) to the following
email address: [email protected],
a correspondence will be sent to you.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
for any enquiries, please contact us on: 086 999 0090
organisation representative
Are you a representative of an organisation that requires to capture notification of accident claims and medical reports?
The duly authorised person acting on behalf of the organisation must register as an employer representative first, and once the authorised person logs in he/she will be able to link to your organisation with your CF Registration Number.
Once you have registered and logged in you will be able to utililize the online submissions application to capture and update claims and medical reports.
If this is your first visit please create your profile by clicking the link on the left hand panel ‘Register as a DOL Online User’.
If you have already registered please click here to submit an Accident report (WCL2)
medical practitioner
Are you a medical practitioner seeking to capture a medical reports for compensation fund claims?
Once you have registered and logged in you will be able to utililize the online submissions application to capture and update medical reports
If this is your first visit please create your profile by clicking the link on the left hand panel ‘Register Medical Practitioner’.
If you have already registered please click here to Submit Medical Invoices/ Reports.