Department Of Higher Education And Training National Artisan Moderation Body

By | December 14, 2021

Department Of Higher Education And Training National Artisan Moderation Body, Skills Development and in particular Artisan Development is regulated through a single national policy regime that is based on the primary legislation of the Skills Development Act Act 97 of 1998. The Skills Development Act falls under the control of the Minister of Higher Education and Training in South Africa. The operationalisation of artisan development work required amendments to the structure of National Artisan Development (INDLELA). One of the amendments was the establishment of the Artisan Development Directorate to ensure that artisan skills development policies, strategies and implementation correlate with identified national and regional economic growth priorities. The National Artisan Development Directorate is made up of four performance areas/Functions/ sub-directorates which will facilitate the achievement of artisan development objectives.

  • Strategy Development and Stakeholder Management is responsible for the development and coordination and implementation of national artisan development strategies in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Career Guidance & TVET College Liaison develops, coordinates and implements artisan related career guidance to school learners and/or post school persons through advocacy programmes such as the Decade of the Artisan amongst other interventions. The sub-directorate is also responsible for the development of artisan career materials to enable the communication of a uniform message on career development.
  • Information Analysis and Management is responsible for the collection and management of artisan data. This data ranges from apprentice registrations onto formal learning programmes, completions through passing trade tests and mentor registrations, etc. The National Artisan Development Support Centre based at INDLELA is the mechanism through which National Artisan Development drives the data management process.
  • Occupational Qualification Delivery is responsible for the development and delivery of the practical (skills) and occupational knowledge component as well as delivery of the workplace (applied theory and skills) component of an artisan qualification. This work includes the development of the Occupational Qualifications for trades listed in Gazette 35625. The Generic Trade Preparation Programme is another initiative within this sub-directorate with the aim of creating a foundational and second chance base for learners aiming to enter into apprenticeships.

AD Committees/Stakeholder

With a full range of inclusive strategic partnership with various stakeholders, Artisan Development has amongst others the following artisan development committees sitting together regularly to engage on various issues related to artisan development:

  • The Artisan Development Monitoring and Evaluation Team (AD-MET) of the Human Resource Development Council that is a Stakeholder Body made up of Organised Business, Organised Labour and the State. This Monitoring and Evaluation Team also fulfils the function of a Ministerial Task Team on Artisan Development reporting to the Minister of Higher Education and Training. This structure is considered the apex structure for Artisan and Technician Development in South Africa.
  • The Sector Education Training Authorities (SETA) Chief Executive Officer Forum Artisan Development Sub Committee made up of members of all SETA Staff that are technical, operational and administrative experts in artisan development.
  • The State Owned Companies Skills Development Committee between the Departments of Higher Education and Training and Public Enterprises made up members of Departments Higher Education and Training, Public Enterprises and State Owned Companies such as Eskom, Transnet, South African Airways, NECSA, PetroSA, Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa and Denel that are technical, operational and administrative experts in artisan development.
  • The Government Sector Education Training Authorities (SETA) Artisan Development Forum made up of members of relevant SETA Staff as well as Staff from relevant National, Provincial and Local Government Departments that are technical, operational and administrative experts in artisan development.


  • To be a “one stop shop” support center for artisan development in South Africa.


  • To provide support to the National Artisan Development program, by facilitating the placement of all artisan learners on learner ship program with industry partners.
  • Providing support to learners to gain workplace experience and necessary skills for them to pass their trade test and become qualified artisans.
  • Address the scarce skills shortage in the country by supporting the development of artisans, creating better employment opportunities.
  • Address the scarce skills shortage in the country by developing artisans, creating better employment opportunities for the qualified artisans


  • Assist the National Development plan of producing 30 000 qualified artisans by year 2030
  • Link SETAs with engineering graduates from TVET Colleges
  • Link approved artisan workplaces with TVET Colleges
  • Matching of supply and demand of artisan learners
  • Operate and Manage a National Artisan Database of both supply and demand
  • Recording and reporting on all artisan related data to remove the first HRDC artisan development blockage
  • Track and trace artisan learners from registration, certification and employment