Department Of Higher Education And Training Database Forms

By | December 13, 2021

Department Of Higher Education And Training Database Forms, The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) was established in 2009 when the former Department of Education was divided into two sections: Basic Education and Higher Education and Training.

DHET Mandate

The mandate of the new Department included aspects of skills development that had previously resided in the Department of Labour.

The new Department was specifically established to focus on post-school education and training holistically and has extended its scope of operations extensively.

DHET Vision

Our vision is of a South Africa in which we have a differentiated and fully-inclusive post-school system that allows South Africans to access relevant post-school education and training, in order to fulfill the economic and social goals of participation in an inclusive economy and society.

DHET Mission

It is the mission of the Department of Higher Education and Training to develop capable, well-educated, and skilled citizens who are able to compete in a sustainable, diversified and knowledge-intensive international economy, which meets the development goals of our country.

The Department will undertake this mission by reducing the skills bottlenecks, especially in priority and scarce skills areas, improving low participation rates in the post-school system , correcting distributions in the shape, size and distribution of access to post-school education and training and improving the quality and efficiency in the system, its sub-systems and institutions.

DHET Value Statement

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is committed to:

  • Distinction and excellence in all our work efforts to develop a skilled and capable workforce for the country.
  • Honesty, perseverance and commitment in providing differentiated education and training opportunities for all the people of South Africa.
  • Efficiency of work habits and proficiency of all DHET employees in fulfilling the mandate of the Department.
  • Teamwork, cooperation and solidarity in working with our partners in higher education and training to achieve the shared goals.
  • Transformation imperatives to address social inequality, race, gender, age, geography, HIV/Aids and disability issues in all our higher education and training institutions in order to normalise them.

DHET Mandate

DHET Constitutional Mandate

Higher Education and Training derives its mandate from the supreme law of the Republic, the Constitution, within the purport of Section 29, read with schedule 4, which lists education at all levels, including tertiary education as a functional area of concurrent national and provincial legislative competence. 

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