Department Of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements And Traditional Affairs Northern Cape

Department Of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements And Traditional Affairs Northern Cape

Department Of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements And Traditional Affairs Northern Cape, The mission of the Northern Cape Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs is to facilitate and manage integrated sustainable human settlements and infrastructure development for effective service delivery; facilitate, monitor and support the consolidation and sustainability phases at municipalities for integrated, sustainable service delivery; promote and support intersphere engagement for integrated planning and coordination; facilitate, develop and support systems and structures to enhance traditional leadership; and ensure the efficient, effective and economic utilisation of departmental resources to maximise service.

Financial Information


All Financial Values: R’000 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13
Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Qualified Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified
Total Final Appropriation 706 115 817 179 652 367 864 202 594 511
Actual Expenditure 691 362 811 316 652 362 841 569 581 941
Employee Compensation 238 087 222 310 211 663 197 116 180 226
Goods and Services 70 312 85 062 52 701 59 144 53 369
Capital Assets 3 474 6 656 5 697 3 573 1 937
Unauthorised Expenditure 65 964 3 947 12 284
Irregular Expenditure 119 948 147 069 114 472 49 319 107 282
Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure 207 1 522 13 676 30 376
Posts Approved 702 675 693 723 701
Posts Filled 641 618 637 665 654
SOURCE Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report Annual Report