Department Of Agriculture Fisheries And Forestry Grants
Department Of Agriculture Fisheries And Forestry Grants, The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is committed to the implementation of PAIA and has ensured that our new organizational structure has made provision for a dedicated office to implement PAIA. Our approach emphasizes the importance of participative democracy, constant flow of empowering information, while also ensuring that our communities, particularly those at the grassroots, understand their role in upholding our democracy.
Current grants and assistance
Drought assistance
In the face of an increasingly variable climate, the Australian Government provides a range of assistance to farmers and primary producers. These measures are aimed at helping farmers prepare for and manage the effects of drought and other challenges.
Farm Finance
Farm Finance is an initiative of the Australian Government comprising four measures designed to build the ongoing financial resilience of farmers who are struggling with high levels of debt.
Agricultural Cooperation
Australia – China Agriculture Cooperation Agreement
The ACACA programme has been established to enhance agricultural cooperation between Australia and China and provide funding for a broad range activities including, but not limited to technical exchanges, training programs, conferences, missions, workshops, information exchanges and/or programs, officer secondments, industry scoping missions, feasibility studies.
On-going and recently closed grants and funding rounds
Carbon Farming Future Program
- Filling the Research Gap
- Action on the Ground
- Extension and Outreach
- Conservation tillage refundable tax offset
Carbon Farming Initiative
Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture
Natural Resource Management Grants
Other grants and funding opportunities
You can find more grant and funding opportunities from the following websites:
- The Australian Government Disaster Assist website provides information on financial assistance available for current disasters and information on previous disasters.
- Caring for our Country
Information about grants awarded can be found at Grants reporting requirements.