Department Of Labour Employment Equity Act

Department Of Labour Employment Equity Act

Department Of Labour Employment Equity Act, The Department Of Labour Employment Equity Act regulars work environment by protecting the interest of all parties.

Applies to all employers and workers and protects workers and job seekers from unfair discrimination, and also provides a framework for implementing affirmative action.


The Employment Equity Act applies to all employers, workers and job applicants, but not members of the –
  • National Defence Force;
  • National Intelligence Agency; and
  • South African Secret Service.

The provisions for affirmative action apply to –

  • employers with 50 or more workers, or whose annual income is more than the amount specified in Schedule 4 of the Act;
  • municipalities;
  • organs of State;
  • employers ordered to comply by a bargaining council agreement;
  • any employers who volunteer to comply.


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