Department Of Labour Employment Equity
Department Of Labour Employment Equity Applies to all employers and workers and protects workers and job seekers from unfair discrimination, and also provides a framework for implementing affirmative action.
- National Defence Force;
- National Intelligence Agency; and
- South African Secret Service.
The provisions for affirmative action apply to –
- employers with 50 or more workers, or whose annual income is more than the amount specified in Schedule 4 of the Act;
- municipalities;
- organs of State;
- employers ordered to comply by a bargaining council agreement;
- any employers who volunteer to comply.
Department Of Labour Employment Equity
Form EEA1 – Employment Equity Declaration by Worker
Form EEA11 – Application for an Employment Equity Report
Form EEA2 – Employment Equity Report
Form EEA4 – Income Differential Statement
Form EEA8 – Demographic Data
Form EEA1 – Employment Equity Declaration by Worker
Employment Equity Forms
EE Regulations 2009
Form EEA 10- Summary of the employment equity progress report for public companies to include in their Annual Financial Report
EEA3 – Summary of the Employment Equity Act, 55 of 1998, as amended issued in terms of section 25(1)
EEA5- Written undertaking
EEA6- Compliance order
EEA7- Objection against a compliance order
EEA 9- Occupational levels
EEA12- Template for reporting on analysis (Section 19)
EEA13- Template for Employment Equity plan (Section 20)
EEA14-Director-General notification form