Department Of Labour Acts
Department Of Labour Acts,
Applies to all employers and workers and regulates leave, working hours, employment contracts, deductions, pay slips, and termination Workers who are affected by occupational injuries and diseases are entitled to compensation Applies to all employers and workers and protects workers and job seekers from unfair discrimination, and also provides a framework for implementing affirmative action Applies to all workers and employers and aims to advance economic development, social justice, labour peace and the democracy of the workplace. Aims to provide and regulate health and safety at the workplace for all workers. Aims to develop and improve the skills of the South African workforce. Prescribes how employers should contribute to the National Skills Fund. Prescribes how employers should contribute to the UIF Contributions fund. Provides security to workers when they become unemployed. |
Basic Guides
Here you can find all the Basic Guides issued by the Department of Labour.
How To’s
Here you can find all the How To’s issued by the Department of Labour.