Department Of Basic Education Matric Rewrite

Department Of Basic Education Matric Rewrite

The aim of the Second Chance Matric Programme is to provide support to learners who have not been able to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC), thereby meeting the goals of the NDP and the sector thus increasing learner retention.


  • Learners are able to meet the requirements of the NSC or SC and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate
  • Increase learner retention
  • Increase computer skills, job opportunities and career pathing
  • Learners are able to access bursary opportunities for further studies

Matric Rewrite Registration 2022

If your matric results are not what you wanted you to have other options.
1. Apply to write Your Supplementary Exams.
2. Get your exam papers remarked.
3. Get your exam papers rechecked.

1. Apply to write Your Supplementary Exams.
There are supplementary (second-chance) exams for matric students during the course of February and March. The closing date to apply for supplementary exams is 19 January 2018.
You can only write the supplementary exams if you:
a) failed up to two subjects,
b) If you missed your exam for medical reasons
c) do not have marks good enough to enter Higher Education (this is your chance to improve your marks and get that Bachelor’s Pass you want!)
d) Went through a traumatic period during the November exams.
Get all the details on the Department of Basic Education website.

2. Get your exam papers rechecked.
A recheck is when you suspect that there was a problem with the adding up of your marks, of a certain paper. This is not a remark though, they will only make sure the marks are added up correctly not recheck to see if answers are correct.
If you want a re-check, then you must move fast. You must apply for a re-check at your school or department of the education district office.
The deadline is 19 January.
So you don’t have much time. The fee is R21 per paper that you want re-checked.

3. Get your exam papers remarked.
If you ask for a re-mark, then your entire paper is remarked and all your answers are checked to see if they are right or wrong. The fee for a re-mark is R92 per paper that you want re-marked.
The deadline is 19 January.
If you want to view your exam papers, then you can only do that AFTER the re-mark or re-check.
You must apply to view your paper within seven days after the release of the re-mark or re-check. Viewing your paper will cost R180 per paper.