National Department Of Health Pretoria Contact Details

National Department Of Health Pretoria Contact Details

National Department Of Health Pretoria Contact Details;

Civitas Building, 222 Thabo Sehume St, CBD, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
National Department Of Health, Address


Head Office
Civitas Building, Cnr Thabo Sehume and Struben Streets, PRETORIA
Postal address: Private Bag X828, PRETORIA, 0001
Switchboard: 012 395 8000
Minister Office
Cape Town
Postal address: Private Bag X9070, CAPE TOWN, 8000
Tel: 021 466 7260
Fax: 021 465 1575
Postal address: Private Bag X828, PRETORIA, 0001
Tel: 012 395 8086
Fax: 012 395 9165
Office of the Deputy Minister 
Postal address: Private Bag X828, PRETORIA, 0001
Tel: 012 395 9206
Office of the Director-General
Postal address: Private Bag X828, PRETORIA, 0001
Tel: 012 395 9150
E-mail: [email protected] (appointments)

Important Contacts


Aids Helpline
0800 012 322
Mental Health Information Line
0800 567 567
Children’s Cancer Helpline
0800 333 0555
National Health System Ethics Line
0800 20 14 144 14

Department Of Health National Office Address – Useful Contact Numbers

Unhappy with your local clinic or need someone to talk to? Find useful contacts for the National Department of Health, provincial health department complaint lines, as well as counselling hotlines and more below.

Minister of Health

Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi is currently the minister as at the time of publication

National Department of Health

Switchboard: 012 395 8000
Physical address: Civitas Building, Cnr Thabo Sehume and Struben Streets, PRETORIA
Postal address: Private Bag X828, PRETORIA, 0001

Department Of Health National Office Address – Provincial complaint lines

The Department of Health advises that patient complaints first be directed to the manager of the relevant clinic or hospital. If patients are not satisfied with the response of facility managers, they should call these provincial complaint lines.

Eastern Cape 0800 032 364
Free State 0800 535 554
Gauteng 0800 203 886
KwaZulu-Natal 033 395 2009
Limpopo 0800 919 191
Mpumalanga 0800 204 098
Northern Cape  018 387 5778
North West  018 391 4000/1/2
Western Cape  021 483 5624

South African National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence (SANCA)

SANCA partners with government to provide access to subsidised in-house and community-based rehabilitation services for those battling drug and alcohol addictions.
For more information, please visit the SANCA website

Alcoholics Anonymous

The national branch of the international organisation provides counselling, education and support groups for people battling alcohol addiction.
0861 435 722

Thuthuzela Care Centres

For medical care, support and legal help following a sexual assault, contact your nearest Thuthuzela Care Centre.

Rape Crisis Centre

Based in Cape Town, the centre offers counselling and court support for rape survivors 13 years and older. You can call the centre’s hotline 24 hours a day or visit its website.
021 447 9762

National Counselling Lines

Operating around the clock, Lifeline allows callers to discuss a range of challenges from trauma and suicide, to relationship issues. Alternatively, visit a Lifeline centre near you.
0861 322 322
Children and teenagers under the age of 17 years old can also call Childline
0800 055 555

Gender-based Violence Line

The 24-hour hotline offers counselling for those who have been physically, emotionally, sexually or financially abused. You can also visit your nearest Lifeline centre.
0800 012 322 or 0800 150 150

South African Depression and Anxiety Group

The mental health advocacy and support organisation runs a toll-free counseling line between 8am and 8pm for patients and families dealing with mental illness, and those who may be at risk of suicide.
0800 567 567

AIDS Helpline

The 24-hour hotline provides information on HIV testing, treatment, care and prevention.
0800 012 322

Diabetes South Africa

The non-profit organisation provides health education and workshops, as well as dietary plans and support groups for people living with diabetes and their families.
086 111 3913

Epilepsy South Africa

The non-profit organisation provides education, counselling and support for those living with epilepsy and their families.
0860 374 537