Department Of Labour Wall Charts

Department Of Labour Wall Charts

Department Of Labour Wall Charts

Legal Compliance Wall Charts

Legal wall chart
Legal posters or wall charts are usually a summary of prescribed legislation. They should be displayed where it could be seen by all employees in order to create an awareness of legislation.
There are various wall charts available like the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment Equity, The Occupational Health and Safety Act, Skills Development Act, Tobacco Products Control Act, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act etc.
Although it would be good practice to display most of these posters or wall charts it is not a legal requirement to display all of them. According to legal prescription, most businesses would be obligated to only display two summaries. The summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (Act 75 of 1997) as well as the summary of the Employment Equity Act (Act 55 of 1998).
Let’s have a closer look at the two compulsory summaries:
a) Summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act:
Section 30 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act requires all employers to display the employee’s rights, at the workplace. It must be in the prescribed form and displayed in the official language(s) spoken by employees at the workplace.
b) Summary of the Employment Equity Act:
Section 25(1) of the Employment Equity Act requires employers to display a summary of the Act.

Wall Charts