Department Of Labour Ermelo

Department Of Labour Ermelo

Department Of Labour Ermelo, Ermelo is the educational, industrial and commercial centre of the 7,750 km² Gert Sibande District Municipality in Mpumalanga province, Republic of South Africa. It is both a mixed agriculture and mining region. Its is found 210 km east of Johannesburg.

Labour Centres – Mpumalanga

Find the Labour Centre closest to you. Labour Centres are listed alphabetically by the Town name for this specific region.


  1. Claiming UIF Benefits
  2. Labour complaints
  3. Enquiries

Contact Details


Operating Hours:
07:30 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.
Telephone Number(s): (017) 819 7632/3010
Fax Number(s): (017) 811 5223/4113
Street Address:
Merino Trust Building
Cnr De Jager and Joubert Streets
Postal Address:
Private Bag X9054
Email Address: [email protected]
[email protected]