Department Of Labour Cape Town Contact Number

Department Of Labour Cape Town Contact Number

Department Of Labour Cape Town Contact Number, Cape Town  is a coastal city in South Africa. It is the second-most populous urban area in South Africa after Johannesburg. It is also the capital and primate city of the Western Cape province.

Labour Centres – Western Cape

Find the Labour Centre closest to you. Labour Centres are listed alphabetically by the Town name for this specific region.


  1. Claiming UIF Benefits
  2. Labour complaints
  3. Enquiries

Contact Details

Cape Town
Operating Hours:
07:30 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.
Telephone Number(s): (021) 468 5500/(021) 468 5502/4
Fax Number(s): (021) 468 5510
Street Address:
Thomas Boydell Building
22 Parade Street
Cape Town
Postal Address:
PO Box 872
Cape Town
Email Address: [email protected]
[email protected]